Getting Started With The Aux Community

Welcome! The Aux Community is still very new, but we’re all passionate people coming together to build something amazing together. This post will give you the information you need to get started participating.

Code of Conduct

The Aux ecosystem is governed by the Contributor Covenant. Please read through it to understand the acceptable behavior within this community and what actions may be taken by moderators to resolve infractions. If something is wrong, please message the moderators.


Aux handles governance differently than Nix does. For caveats about the early bootstrapping stages, see the roadmap on Authority is given from a central Steering Committee which establishes the direction of the project and delegates that authority to responsible parties. The structures in the Aux governance model are:

  • Committees: Bodies managing logistics for the project unrelated to technical implementation
  • Special Interest Groups: Teams dedicated to specific parts of the Aux ecosystem
  • Working Groups: Teams formed for Special Interest Groups to collaborate with one another

Each of these structures handles important responsibilities and together are able to keep the Aux ecosystem moving forward. Governance structures in Aux come with established project support such as forum categories and matrix channels making it clear how and where to get work done.


A Committee is made up of an elected set of members (post bootstrap) with a primary chair responsible for reaching consensus. Each Committee is created by submission of a charter to the Steering Committee which may approve the document. This charter outlines the responsibilities of the Committee, what authority it has, and how its lifecycle (member elections) are handled. This charter may only be amended with approval of the changes by the Steering Committee. A Committee may only be dissolved by the Steering Committee with a 3/4 majority vote.

Special Interest Groups

A Special Interest Group (SIG) is also made up of an elected set of members (post bootstrap) with a primary tech lead responsible for reaching consensus. Each SIG is created by submission of a charter to the Steering Committee which may approve the document. This charter may only be amended with approval of the changes by the Steering Committee. A SIG may be dissolved if all of its members have resigned and no candidates are presented for special elections. A SIG may also be dissolved by the Steering Committee with a 3/4 majority vote.

Working Groups

Working Groups (WG) are ephemeral teams which form to complete a specific deliverable and are then dissolved. These groups are intended to allow SIGs to collaborate across the project easily. A working group may be established without the consent of the Steering Committee. A simplified charter is still required to be published which outlines the deliverables and members of the WG.


During the early bootstrapping stages of Aux, units are formed with a more ad-hoc approach. The following groups and committees are in need of help:

All code for the project can be found on the GitHub Auxolotl organization.


Aux is still a work in progress. There is a long way to go as outlined by the roadmap, but we will get there together. Please be patient and let’s work together to make Aux a reality.


I don’t think I have enough prior experience to be part of a SIG but I’m willing to assist the Darwin and GNOME SIGs.


Things look great so far, thank you for putting all this together!
I only maintained a single package back in nixpkgs, but I will gladly maintain that package plus a few more that I regularly use. I’d also like to sign up for the Core SIG once I gain some more experience maintaining things though :relieved:


Glad to see a community space already operational!

I hope we can manage to create a cool space and community while also improving the technology.


After what I’ve been seeing/feeling recently, I am really glad to see something postive and action based. Thank you guys for making this and focusing on getting stuff done.

I might not be able to commit to any of the major roles, but I’m on board. I made nix-version-search-cli (nvs on flakehub) and the most cutting edge textmate (aka VS Code) syntax highlighter for nix, so I do contribute occasionally even if sporadically.


@jakehamilton we could set up an off topic category here in order to keep things organised and clean since we’re gathering a bunch of excited people here.

I don’t know if an IM solution would eventually substitute it but I think that since we already have the forum we can make full use of it at the moment.


Yeah that’s quite fair. I’m going to spin up Off Topic


It was fun while it lasted it seems

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honestly i think there’s still real value in Aux, but i’m good either way whether i’m contributing to Nix or Aux, as long as Nix actually fixes things for real this time.

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Let’s move this to The Future of Aux and Nix

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Should this post (and website as well) be updated to mention the GitHub link?


Yes, I’ll be getting to that shortly :raised_hands: