Aux Name Enhancement

We currently own the domain It has our website there too.

Maybe it wasn’t a problem for you, but I can confirm it was/is a problem me and others. I would have paid a good bit of money to be able to type 6 extra chars and have better search results.

When I have a deadline, and I can’t find what I need, it matters. It matters to my client, my professor, the members on robotics team counting on me to get the code fixed by the next match, and to my own sanity. Nix is the only, and I mean only, tool that I have browser bookmarks for, because the SEO is so bad I can’t find those pages again without bookmarks.

Oh I 100% agree. I mean the github CLI is gh, WebAssembly is wasm, I have a tool called Archaeopteryx and the CLI is archy. Abbreviations are important too. Its just the stackoverflow tag, the name of the github repo, the website name, etc.

For some reason while I’m a mild fan of having the OS name be separate from Aux/Nix, I’m very much not a fan deviating from terminology like “package”, “derivation”, and “attr”. I think its because reservior makes me ask “woah, is this a functionally new concept? (Like how inheritance is different from traits)”. ThingamajigOS, I just say “Oh, its an OS, and thats its name. Got it.”

People probably wouldn’t know what to assume about reservior without reading a definition. So it adds friction compared to auxpkgs which I’d guess people probably would know how to use even without reading any docs.


that’s fine by me then

nb. I have setup search “bang expressions” like !np to search nix packages, !no to search module options, etc I find these help me navigate the documentation quickly.

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I know this (long, of course) thread is mostly about naming… but I specifically want to call out a desire to separate these entities. Right now there’s entanglement between nix lib, nixpkgs lib, the nixos module system, and of course the packages and services that use them.

It makes (or made) sense as a monorepo that can be versioned as a single revision, while at the same time creating some challenges for other separate repos that effectively had to pull in all of nixpkgs.

I’m sure there are discussions elsewhere with ideas about splitting these up technically, and the idea that potentially some common base can still be shared across various forks. I’m only just getting started in this discourse (first post!). For this thread, I just want to reinforce that clarity in naming things will help them be understood as distinct concepts.

In lix, we had a whole similar discussion on disambiguating all the things and stages that get loosely called “a derivation” and there’s a fierce will to fix that mess in documentation


Absolutely agree.

And welcome to the forum!!

You may find this thread on breaking apart NixPkgs interesting: Musings on a monorepo versus developer oriented distribution

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This point is well worth not glossing over. Having a long-form name is fine, but you need to consider an actually portable short-form which works in abbreviations for cli, combination into sub-names, and indeed typing into URL bars. “Aux” is great for that - the long-form is excellent, but please do not retire the domain for example.


I was thinking it would be good to have “auxolotl” be the community space name that ties everything together. Aux for short, with the implicit pun of “auxiliary Nix”. The domain would redirect to when we have updated branding and a better homepage that is able to flesh things out more.

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Makes sense. I would also recommend styling the name use to call out the two forms. For example:



Dependent on context.

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Not a huge fan of the casing although I understand the intent. I wonder if it’s even necessary though. I feel like having “Aux” on the pages and auxolotl as the space names may be enough for people to get it.

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The styling does not have to be done with casing - that was just intended as example. Other examples could be differences in font weight or colour.


Honestly, we should just drop the aux and go with olotl, it’s unique and only requires a few removals to become lol. :smile:

(this is a joke please don’t kill me :smile:)


Not modern enough. Clearly you just keep everything and scrap vovels: xltl


IMO we should set a minimum rate of jokes


Definitely agree here - and I suspect the current direction of our architecture (ie. split SIG-owned repos. of which Core probably maps closest onto “nixpkgs lib”) is leading us in this direction anyways.


Also, we can’t kill you. You’re our mascot

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brb changing my name to axol :smile:

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Petition to change Axel’s name to Axelotl


Can’t do colour formatting here it seems, but just to give an idea and avoid having an out-of-hand dismissal based solely on the case differentiator example, here are some more examples:

  • Auxolotl
  • Auxolotl
  • Auxolotl.

Petition to change Axel’s species to axolotl
