Hello Aux! Introductions

hi! i’m blue, i’ve been linuxing in various forms since sixth grade, and i’ve been doing JS and Rust since 2022-2023. i run NixOS on my server and laptop, but i’ll soon convert to AuxOS! i’ve been doing web and graphic design since 2020, and student journalism since 2020 as well.


I realized I was the one who created this thread and I haven’t posted about myself yet… :skull:

I am Estegosaurio (I should find a better name). I’m interested in almost anything under the Sun but I’m not good at anything. I’ll like to get better at programming tho (eyeing Rust atm).

I… don’t have anything interesting about myself to add here. Do your days have like 38h or something?

Anyway, you all seam lovely, hope we have fun here. :slight_smile:


Hello citizens of Aux,

I am a computer science student at the University of Padua, Italy

I’ve been drawn to tech for many years, but I got into Linux and free software only about 3 years ago (I have somewhat fond memories of my beginning with ZorinOS) and into NixOS more or less a year ago.

NixOS is not the only system of its kind that I appreciate, as I have also ran Silverblue+nix or more interestingly Guix System (which I hope we can take positive inspiration from!).

I also like self-hosting, the Zig programming language, peer-to-peer tech (bittorrent and syncthing my beloveds) and I’m more recently getting interested in kernels and other aspects of system development.

My contributions to Nix are veeery minor, for now it’s only a theming package (borealis-cursors) but I’d love to contribute to Aux as I get more proficient with it and its surrounding ecosystem.

For now I have offered myself as a localization contributor for an eventual Italian translation of the docs, but I’ll gladly help around with whatever else I can uwu

I believe Aux’s strength will lie in its community’s ability to openly and respectfully discuss issues and come to a reasonable consensus on each of them, to then move forward in the same direction :milky_way:


Hey all,

My name is Yulian and have been in tech since I was a teenager. Been coding for almost 2 decades now and been doing it professionally for 13 years.

Currently live on the west Coast US and have a wife and 2 kids. I am moving to Denmark this fall.

I currently work for Unity as a staff DevOps Engineer and am just deep on tech. Started out as a Backend engineer until a startup needed me on DevOps. Been this since then.

I use Nix mostly for dev tools and home management. Makes it easier to manage on immutable systems (I run Fedora Silverblue these days, either with Bluefin or Bazzite)


Fun to run into more Unity here :slight_smile: I suppose it is becoming fairly inevitable given staff size these days :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome and make sure to push some nix at those bozos :wink:

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Hi auxolotls!

My name is Shom. I’m not new to Linux but new to declarative Linux, I started creating a Nix configuration a month ago and am really excited about the technology and have been closely and eagerly following the establishment of Aux on mastodon first and then since day 1 of the forum. But since I literally have no experience except for a bare bones config that I’m running in a VM, I didn’t know if/how/what to get involved with.

However, with the first unstable release I realized that my complete lack of experience can actually be helpful by reporting back as a new user getting started with auxolotl (alright, the name change from aux to auxolotl is what really sealed the deal).

I plan to convert my dotfiles (currently on 23.11 with flakes) to point to auxolotl tomorrow and start engaging with the great community being built here. Please steer me where my enthusiasm is going to be most helpful.



Hello there!

I’m May, a student in Brazil and, really, just an amateur and Linux enthusiast. Last year I made the decision to try out Linux, and after a few weeks with Arch, I made the jump to NixOS. So uh, yeah, I kinda learned Linux at the same time as I was learning Nix… Which worked out surprisingly fine, considering how many horror stories you hear about NixOS online. (The fact I already knew a bit about functional languages helped.) I’ve recently made the jump to Fedora Silverblue (funnily enough, right on time to avoid the xz vulnerability), but I’ve kept an interest in the ecosystem as whole.

Really, what sold me here was the quality of the community. The CoC, the “Auxioms”, and generally just how nice people have been make this so much more friendlier than the mainline NixOS spaces. Moderation is very important, and I’m glad it’s being taken as a priority! Also, the opportunity to tackle the rougher edges of Nix (SPECIALLY THE DOCUMENTATION!!!) is priceless - I love Nix, but it feels like I have to use a bunch of other projects like home-manager, nix-output-monitor and flake-parts to make the experience actually feel nice.

Once this project and Lix mature a little, I plan to make the jump into Aux, probably in a multi-boot setup. I miss NixOS, Silverblue is so stable that it’s kinda boring. (That’s the joke answer- really, the amount of packages available in nixpkgs is amazing, and it made installing and configuring niche software a breeze, even if they didn’t always immediately work.)


Hey there, Arnold here (not the :robot: one),

Great community shaping up here! Am myself involved with FOSS, Fediverse and Humane Technology for many years. Started Humane Tech Community in 2019. It is now dormant, and I’ve been facilitating SocialHub developer community for ActivityPub protocol + fedi, for a bunch of years, as well as the Fediverse Enhancement Proposals (FEP) process.

Recent 2 years I am involved with formation of the Social Coding movement, to be not a Community but a timeless DoOcracy that shapes up organically. Topics are “Social experience design” (SX) i.e. what constitutes truly social online interaction, “Sustainable FOSS” (the software succeeded, the movement… umm, not yet), and the “Free Software Development Lifecycle” or FSDL. Which is a holistic way to look at every development activity from first inception of a project, to its eventual end-of-life (unless it is immortal, of course :wink: )

In dreams I imagine emergence of a Human Web (coming forth from the Social Web), and a veritable Peopleverse that arises from that, where people can be who they wanna be and have online and offline worlds be seamlessly aligned to each other in support of daily lives and human freedoms.

PS. On the fedi I am currently at: @smallcircles@social.coop


I’m Jeremy. A currently unemployed software developer. Usually when I get paid it’s to work with Ruby on Rails and React but I’m actually happy using a pretty broad range of languages and environments.

My computer dual-boots NixOS and Haiku.


Hello, my name is Antonio. I’m a Brazilian in California with a career in site reliability engineering, a small homelab, and a fever for declarative configuration.

I started learning Nix in mid-2022, had a test VM up and running three months later, and a functional config for my NAS another three months later. Half a year from “I want to learn this OS” to actually running the OS—bonkers, right? But, for me, it paid off, and I can no longer imagine managing my systems any other way.

Aside from Nix, I self-host useful software on my Kubernetes cluster, maintain a Slack bot for my radio club, and solve miscellaneous problems with Bash, Python, Rust, or Nix.

I’ve already pointed my whole homelab to github:auxolotl/nixpkgs—and Lix just two hours ago. My sleeves are properly rolled up.


Hewwo I’m the Coding Puffin. I live in France, I make software for company mostly in dotnet and sometime mobile apps + some automation with CI/CD and server management.

I been using linux in a permanent manner on my main computer since 2019 and switched to nixos somewhere along 2022/2023. I was attracted to nix because i like tinkering with config, option and try packages which on other distro always end up with me having a broken system because i accumulated those and keep forgetting to remove them :stuck_out_tongue: . I’ve been since then experimenting with nix building a normal channel config at first and then switched to flakes recently. I love birds so all my nix systems have a modern dinosaur name.

if you want to take a look at my feathery config : CodingPuffin/nixos-flake-config: Personal puffin approved nixos flake config use at your own risk the sea can be treacherous - Codeberg.org

I hope i’ll be able to help this project :penguin:


Wohoo! No longer the only .net weirdo in the bunch :wink: Welcome!


Maybe will be able to setup better dotnet support in aux than in nix :stuck_out_tongue:


The nichest of niche tiny SIGs :wink:


Heya! I am Pi-Cla and I am actually joining here not from NixOS but from openSUSE. I have tried NixOS before but the gap between the “official” documentation and what a lot of people use (such as flakes and home manager) confused me a lot so I ended up not sticking around.

I am gonna need to get up to speed with how packaging works but given that I maintain a bunch of packages over on openSUSE once I do figure it out I am willing to consistently update them from one release to another!


We haven’t fixed that yet. But we have a puffin and an ant and a guinea pig, so it’s only a matter of time.


Hi :wave:

I am Daniel, very late 30s, French living near Paris and Java/Kotlin developer since about 15 years.
I am also a Linux user since more than 20 years (Mandrake, if remember correctly, Debian, Gentoo, and Arch since 2008), and I am curious about NixOS since about 2 months.

For the moment, I do some tests of NixOS on VM (link to my NixOS test config : daniel_chesters/Nixos_Test: Some tests on with Nix, NixOs and Home Manager - Codeberg.org) and I don’t know if I will go to migrate my computers from Arch to NixOS (or a fork).

I try to follow the current NixOS “situation”, I am curious how it will go, and I don’t know if I will really be active here or not, but maybe it is the moment to integrate a Linux community and not the right moment to join the NixOS community for the moment. :sweat_smile:



Late 30s, been using Linux full time for a few years, switched to NixOS in October.

This is the issue that made me decide to switch back to Debian, until I discovered Aux.

The culture, at least amongst the people volunteering support, is atrocious. I’d ask a question starting with “how” and get a completely unactionable answer starting with “because”, or get nothing more than an “XD” in response to a question about missing dependencies. It often feels like they would rather prove they can recite 200 digits of pi than actually help anyone.

Hoping this project changes the culture over there or provides an escape route in the future!


I’m not great with nix, but I may want to help with that :smile:


Heya! I’m a sysadmin from switzerland who got into NixOS somewhere around 2018. I have done some package PRs starting in 2019 and am looking for ways to make NixOS tasty in the very corporate world I currently work in. A seemingly impossible thing :frowning:
I’m also highly interested in oils and thus am trying to replace bash with osh in the stdenv as a sideproject.

I don’t have time to really contribute to Aux (other than proposing cute animals :stuck_out_tongue: ) but I enjoy to lurk in the forum and see where it’s heading :slight_smile: