Aux Color Scheme

I’m having a hard time picturing the same people not taking just about anything done by this project as more or less that same statement.

So what would be the point of restraint? :slight_smile:


That’s a great point :laughing:

First, thanks for giving the perspective. Always good to share concerns.

Second, I mean hey if it looks good then it looks good. I’m pretty sure one of the pallets I picked was the trans pallet.

Third, and at the risk of being controversial, I want to say that I don’t think community aspects should take a moral stance on something without votes. For example Auxolotl being non binary is not a moral stance. But showing support for Ukraine, even though its a 100% agreed they’re in the right, is a moral stance, and still deserves a check with the community even if the check would pass immediately.

Theres a weird line of “I’m just using Ukraine colors by coincidence”, and “we support Ukraine”. They could be pixel for pixel the same image.

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Violet and pink! Also, I think this is one of those things that should have a strict deadline to decide it, like a week and no more, end of discussion. We’ll run around in circles forever, and new people will have so many different tastes.

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I am going to build some versions of the site using some of the themes here to get opinions from people. I think seeing the colors in practice will make it easier to decide between them.


I wasn’t aware of this thread when I posted about Catppuccin color scheme in this post:


I’ve seen Catppuccin brought up a few times, but people have reservations about the complexity (the pallettes include a lot more colors than we probably need) and with using a preexisting and commonly used pallette for branding.

What if we created a derivative color scheme based on a Catppuccin variant? Catppuccin already includes helpful style guides for how to best use the pallettes, so we’d have a pretty good base if we reduced one of the pallettes and modified the colors to our liking.

Hypothetically, and depending how drastically we change the original pallette, this would leave us with a Catppuccinesque–yet unique color scheme and associated style guide.

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Here’s what I came up with from trying this. I opted to ease up on the pastels and go for some louder colors as well as a darker and more de saturated background.

The original Catppuccin palette


Light (just swapped the text and background colors)

You can see some of these colors used in a logo here


I’m not sure if I like #cfe6f7 with this very much though, I’ll probably change it to just a pure white or at least a subtler blue tint.

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I agree, a sort of off-white slate gray would do well here

I wonder if slightly desaturating the pink and blue would be better :thinking:

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Updated version (desaturated primary/secondary, lightened accent, made the light blue more off-white)



This is looking pretty good!

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And here’s an updated colorization of blue’s logo with these colors.


Obviously, generative art is potentially problematic, and any final choices color choices / logos and art should come from a commissioned artist and/ or community member

buttttt, I think it’s still worth using for ideas

+ Dark background


This is the colour scheme thread.

I thought about moving it, but it does have a handful of different color schemes so it still fits.

Sold!!! I think we should start using this :slight_smile:

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Alright, here’s the adjusted on-grid Inkscape SVG with the background removed (the outline is the same color as the palette’s background, so on the dark background it appears without an outline like above)