Our first unstable release

It would be great if we could get the channel migration kinks worked out so people on stable NixOS could try Auxpkgs.

Your issues prompted me to quickly skim the nixos wikiā€™s Nix Channels article, which indicates we need some kind of automation to provide channels for our (soft) fork.

There seems to be some script that creates the mentioned nixexprs.tar.gz as part of a channel update, but the wiki doesnā€™t really go into detail there. The content of the current ā€œunstableā€ channel can be seen at https://channels.nixos.org/?prefix=nixpkgs-unstable/.

It might (this is a big might; Iā€™m essentially speculating here) be possible/sensible, to do this with github action after updating upstream nixpkgs in core. This action would create the needed files and attach them to a nightly release - a nightly release that doesnā€™t change, but where the files are updated when the action runs. I believe NeoVim does something similar with their prerelease build release.


yea, it seems not having an equivalent of Hydra for Aux will be the main blocker for making switching to Aux as easy as possible on the NixOS releases side

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I have 0 experience with channels but if anyone is aware of what to do I am more then happy to add you to the core team and let you work.

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I donā€™t know a whole lot about channels but I do know that they do depend on an artifact that gets published by Hydra over in Nixpkgs land. How that artifact is built, I do not know. Maybe itā€™s possible to whip up a GitHub Action that does a similar thing as a stopgap for now?


I am happy to help, feel free to add me.

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Itā€™s detailed here: nix-channel - Nix Reference Manual

Thank you very much.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Rebuild is failing

Please ping me once channels are available, so I can add them to GitHub - wamserma/flake-programs-sqlite: A simple flake to automagically specify programs.sqlite for command-not-found.