Minutes from SIG: Documentation on 2024-06-29

SIG: Documentation meeting on 2024-06-29



  • @minion / @coded: Forgejo CI (Buildbot)
  • @liketechnik: Where to find docs for specific pieces - other sources than nixpkgs manual
    • @liketechnik: I’ve been looking for further resources on nixpkgs tools, stdenv, etc.
      • @liketechnik: I’ve been partially successfull…
      • @liketechnik: I’ve found additional docs for std env, docker stuff, and similar.
      • @minion: Thanks. I presume that’s all on the wiki now?
      • @minion: Would it be a good idea to work on this next week?
        • @liketechnik: I don’t think right now it’s a good idea to purposefully keep searching. Right now it has a good amount of pointers. Will continue to add stuff as I see it.
  • @8bitbuddhist: New user template (& New user guide on the wiki to match the template?)
    • @8bitbuddhist: Went back over the commits, refactoring them, etc. this morning … that branch is ready to review now!
    • @8bitbuddhist: Did a good amount of testing and made some changes, nothing that causes breaking changes though.
    • @8bitbuddhist: Didn’t make wiki docs for it as I haven’t had time yet.
  • @minion / @coded: Docs for labs projects
    • @minion: Talked with Jake, the verdict was that we want to wait until something is final-ish stage where it’s ready (Proposal state). Iteration on Labs projects is supposed to be fast.
    • @minion: It’s a good thing for labs maintainers to write their own docs of course. But we won’t step in until it’s close to finished.
  • @8bitbuddhist: Template README’s on wiki
  • @dfh: “How to document your SIG/Committee” guide
    • @dfh: Coming in the next week. Finally getting back behind the wheel of things.
  • @dfh: Treefmt template/module work
    • @dfh: Coming in the next week. Finally getting back behind the wheel of things.
  • @pyrox: Nixpkgs markdown documentation generation
    • @minion: Last week they said it would likely take more than a week to finish. Maybe we can expect a status report next week.

Action Items

Standing reminders

  • Next meeting will be at the same time next week!