Start of Project Standards

To be honest I went with the windows example. But pre-commit hooks work differently on all systems. Its just that it is more noticeable on windows since some software’s don’t work on there.

I’ll take your word for it, I don’t have experience using it on a variety of platforms. It’s running through a Python runtime so it’s interesting that it’s so system dependent. I’ll keep that in mind if I need to use it on other systems and test/research thoroughly. Thanks for the heads up.

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Alright I’ll add commit messages for pushes & merges later today


I think I’ve added some sensible stuff for commit messages, feel free to message in here if anyone thinks there should be some changes


Maybe deciding the formatting tool used for new auxolotl contributions while it’s not too late would be nice.
I personally use and like more alejandra than nixfmt-rfc-style


This is a good idea, I’ve made a post to talk about which formatting tool to use.

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If we go for pre-commit, we could consider using git-hooks.nix

I believe all the python code present in nixpkgs should be formatted using black which is literally the open source standard formatter


yep. black follows pycodestyle to a T so I’m in agreement

only things i would set is --line-length 79 to fully embrace pep8 compliance (not a fan of black arbitrary 88)


I havent caught up on all the messages on here but can we have a no-FIXME in master standard?


Also, yeah :fist:. I’m so glad we’re in agreement. Black is the only formatter in any language that I’m just overall happy with. I wish there was one like it for nix.

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Yep. No commits should be made with a FIXME unless it’s an upstream issue, and even then it’d be better to add the bug to a project board. I’ll add this tomorrow

Well I think commits should be able to have FIXME for Dev branches. If two people are working on a problem its nice to be able to commit WIP stuff. The FIXME just can’t get merged into master without either being declared intentional behavior or being properly fixed.


While I don’t want to cause confusion as there’s probably some differences to be had between all-repo standards vs per-repo standards. And also recommended stuff vs hard rules. I’ll let someone else draw the distinction.

I want to add one bullet under standards for Aux-original nix code (rather than ported code).

With and Rec

I think the Aux crew recognizes how painful unnecessary-recursion can be for debugging and learning. On a similar note, with and rec keywords are extremely harmful to runtime evaulation performance, static code analysis tools, and debatably human readers (not authors) of code. For example, a new reader seeing with lib; with nixpkgs; split has no idea where split came from. Most of all, code can always be rewritten without loosing functionality and without using those keywords. The keywords only provide author convenience. And I have been guilty of using them too.

But for Aux specifically, I think we need the ability to do automated refactoring. We cannot scale to the O(n) needed for +80,000 packages without automation.

For three years I have tried to do an automated refactoring of nixpkgs, only to be defeated by with and rec. I can lead the way on that tooling that lets us overhaul our ecosystems/auxpkgs structure overnight, but only if we avoid using with and rec.


Agreed. Just to add a little we should also try to be as specific as we can with lib functions too. lib.isBoollib.trivial.isBool


I agree. It’s why on the wiki it says that there shouldn’t be FIXME’s / TODO’s in merge commits


Commit messages

How about Conventional Commits ? It has pretty much everything laid out and there’s extensive tooling to enforce it.

Code beauty

Auto-formatters: love 'em. Cuts down on nitpicking and enforcing personal styles a lot. Dunno if there are nix linters, but would be great to use them if they exist. Stuff like “please follow this obscure rule listed 5 links in and in some random file” sap the energy out of reviewers and reviewees. Having a tool point it out right away is bliss.

The only thing I would plead for is a discussion about line-length. If I had a voice, it would be for 100 characters as 80 leads to a lot of wrapping and is night byzantine (it was introduced because the IBM punchcard had 80 characters at least according to stackoverflow). Probably a lot of us have 16:9 or 16:10 screens which can fit more than 2 punchcards on them horizontally.

Cross platform packages

The cross platform packages in nixpkgs are often handled in a single files (example). For such cases, it could help to define a standard way of handling them for example defining (where it makes sense) that each cross platform package requires a separate file/folder structure per platform that is then merged into the final package using a helper.

For example

├── default.nix
└── platforms
    ├── bsd.nix
    ├── darwin
    │   ├── aarch64.nix
    │   ├── default.nix
    │   └── x86_64.nix
    └── linux.nix

3 directories, 6 files

This would make it clear what is needed to build/package something for each platform, instead of having a bunch of something = "cp $src/... $out/..." ++ lib.optional platform.darwin ''sed -i ...." ++ lib.optional platform.bsd "..." in multiple places.

bsd.nix could end up being as simple as

{ pkgs, ...}:
  buildInputs = [pkgs.somethingsomething];

and merged in default.nix where it knows that platforms/bsd.nix means platform.bsd should also be added to the meta section of the derivation.

Maybe the Frenchie in me is over-engineering though :innocent:


A full “yes please” (as proposed) for the first 2 points.

I do like the structure for “cross platform packages”, but I don’t feel qualified enough to understand possible technical ramifications so I’ll keep neutrally observant on this one.

I agree to conventional commits since that’s what I put in the templates anyways