Adding Isabel to the Steering Committee

As the Aux community has grown in size, I have been completely blown away with the enthusiasm and support from everyone here. The contributions, ideas, and creations shared have been fantastic. In keeping up with managing the growing community I will be increasing the number of people in the Steering Committee during this bootstrapping phase. The goal of the Steering Committee through the beginning of this process is to ensure that the project progresses along the roadmap we have committed to. While I, @jakehamilton, will continue to do so, the growing size of the project necessitates additional help. For that reason I have reached out to @isabel for help.

Responsibilities here include helping manage administration of this forum as well as the GitHub organization. Providing direction for the project and seeing that it adheres to the stated values, goals, and roadmap are also included. I believe that she will provide a helpful perspective for resolving issues surrounding the above responsibilities and her excitement for the project will continue to be shared with others.

Please welcome @isabel to the Steering Committee!


Thanks everyone for being so welcoming.

As @jakehamilton said I am going to be helping manage some of the responsibilities of the forum and the GitHub page. So do contact me occasionally when before you felt like speaking to @jakehamilton.

I really do want to do by best to make aux a great place and thats only possible with all of your help. So please feel free to contact me about any of your concerns or worries about moderation and etc.

So again thank you all for having me.