A basic template

This is fair, but I’m afraid I also think the documentation for snowfall, while nice in places, is pretty mid in places. I think there’s things that could be done to reduce that learning curve a fair amount.

A template and a guide would be an awesome start


Without a doubt. I would consider Snowfall Lib’s documentation as one of the lower bars to clear. The quickstarts are barebones, there are no guides, examples for most things don’t really exist, and the most useful part of it is the reference page which is just everything all at once. I would be very happy if we did better than that and, hopefully, we will with more people working on it!


Yeah, I’ve checked out snowfall a ton, but could never get a derivation working because the docs were really sparse. I’d like to write some but I’d need some help understanding it first lmao

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Me and @minion’s config uses it feel free to pull inspiration from there!


Our configuration is nice, but also not a particularly common use-case. I think the lessons we’ve learned will be more useful for writing something simple than what we have actually written

Still, no problems with people pulling from it… probably we should relicense under whatever we’re putting templates under

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Licensing should probably wait on What license should we use?

Sure, but this is our license. We licensed it under AGPL (our default). We should talk to Pinea about changing that to MIT if we want to let Aux pull from it.


pr’ed a small C template based on the rust one


pr is ready, if anyone willing to review :eyes:

I can take a look to confirm the nix stuff but someone more well versed in C should also take a look

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I’m pretty aware of nix stuff, so i can take a look.

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Hopefully, it’s good enough :sweat_smile:

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Is there a need to split the flake into multiple files?
It seems to only add complexity to the template to me

It allows it to have old nix compatibility. that’s the main thing for me. Also prevents redeclaring the package a few times.

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Shouldn’t be default.nix file be eelco’s flake-compat?

That’s only for channels support.

What does this do?

 overlays.default = final: prev: {
   hello = final.callPackage ./default.nix {};

this allows the user to consume the overlay and it will be added the nixpkgs list. so i could use enviroment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.hello ]; instead.

doesn’t this cause conflict with the nixpkgs’s hello pkgs?

The overlay replaces it, which is the point, it is usually used to replace older versions of a package with a newer one.